
Thinking of getting a bag? Hmm, what brand or style? Should you get one in black, pink or beige? Which size? Canvas... ? Is it better to choose calf? Or lamb? Been eyeing a bag but unsure if it suits your lifestyle or look? Practicality? Questions, questions, questions....

Fret not! We at MY POCHE understands the importance of choosing the right bag for your lifestyle. Whether you want a roomy and practical everyday tote, a showstopper piece, or if you need help to choose a gift for your loved ones, whatever the occasion, we are here to render our services, obligation free!

Here's how it works.

1) Take our style profile
All you need to do is fill in the PERSONAL BAG STYLIST form. Let us know some details about you, ie your style and favourite colours and we will do the rest for you.

2) Personalized selection
You will receive an email within 48 hrs with pictures, descriptions and prices of bags carefully hand selected for you by the lovely people at My Poche based on your style profile.

3) Pick your favourite!
If you see a bag you like, simply email us with the details of the bag to pre-order. Its fun, easy and only takes a while for us to get to know your personal style. Try it now obligation free!

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