Today the market is swarmed by hundreds of thousands of counterfeit or replica bags. Over the years, competitors have been trying to outdo each other, producing more believable and lifelike replicas in the process. Their quality have improved,as more replicas are made using higher grade and more expensive materials.
These bags stick out like a sore thumb, you can tell it is fake by just glancing at it. Mind you, these AAA replicas can cost you anywhere from RM300 to RM800!

Pic of a peddler selling counterfeit in Rome

Fake goods, like this Louis Vuitton bag, are controlled by crime gangs-DailyMail
Here is an excerpt taken from an article from Harper's Bazaar highlighting the connection between syndicates producing and selling counterfeit items to human trafficking, child labor, gang warfare and even terrorism by Dana Thomas..
Dana Thomas recalls,"During the raid I went on with Chinese police in a tenement in Guangzhou and what we discovered when we walked in were two dozen sad, tired, dirty children, aged 8 to 14, making fake Dunhill, Versace, and Hugo Boss handbags on old, rusty sewing machines. It was like something out of Dickens, Oliver Twist in the 21st century.
Then I read the following passage from my book, Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster. I remember walking into an assembly plant in Thailand a couple of years ago and seeing six or seven little children, all under 10 years old, sitting on the floor assembling counterfeit leather handbags,' an investigator told me that the owners had broken the children's legs and tied the lower leg to the thigh so the bones wouldn't mend. They did it because the children said they wanted to go outside and play'."
Most consumers believe that buying fake goods is harmless, that it's a victimless crime. After all, it's only a handbag, right? But it's not.. at all.
Over time, the illegal enterprise is getting stronger and more professional. BUT the consumer is slowly but surely becoming more aware."
Over time, the illegal enterprise is getting stronger and more professional. BUT the consumer is slowly but surely becoming more aware."

I was utterly shocked when I read this article. How could something as teeny as a fake bag impact thousands of innocent lives? Fake bags = child exploitation? How can we put a stop to this? Who would have known.
There are thousands upon thousands of fakes out there, but if there are no buyers for these bags they will finally become a loss to the producers. Let us all join hands and put a stop to this. Say NO to fakes today. Here are a few suggestions you mishgt want to consider..
There are thousands upon thousands of fakes out there, but if there are no buyers for these bags they will finally become a loss to the producers. Let us all join hands and put a stop to this. Say NO to fakes today. Here are a few suggestions you mishgt want to consider..
For starters, there are plenty of stylish and reasonably priced designer handbags out there, go find them! You just have to be patient and keep looking! Nowadays most businesses offer 0% installment schemes as well. Take advantage of it.
Or, *wink*, you can always try MyPoche's PersonalStylist to help you look for a bag within your budget. We will be glad to assist you in finding the right bag within your budget for less than retail price!
Or, *wink*, you can always try MyPoche's PersonalStylist to help you look for a bag within your budget. We will be glad to assist you in finding the right bag within your budget for less than retail price!