How do you tell the difference between a real and a fake Gucci? One of the problems with Gucci handbags is that, unlike Fendi, Coach and Chanel, they do not have a serial number registration system. Thus familiarizing yourself with the serial numbers is important.
Firstly, you should know that authentic Gucci bags only comes with a small black controllato card that is NEVER attached to the bag. Steer away from bags with attached cards, round or rectangular plastic tabs, authenticity cards (a.k.a Chanel style) and off coloured controllato cards.

FakeGreenish looking tag Fake-Gucci never comes with these

Fake-Black tag?? Fake- Erm, is this a Gucci or a Chanel
Above are just a few examples of 'additional' tags on replica Gucci bags.

Fake attachments
Next we are going to talk about the tags. Here are some examples of tags you will find on replicas. Do keep in mind that recent authentic Gucci tags are made of leather. Below are examples of interior tabs made to look like authentic ones. Often these fake tabs have fake serial numbers on their bags like the real ones, as shown in a couple photos. If you look closely, you can tell they are fake, often by too few digits or if the tab they're imprinted into does not look like leather. Also, look at the linings. Gucci does not use this font.
Fake Fake
Fake-Uneven tag Fake
Real Gucci interior tags are smoothly cut and evenly shaped. Fake tags are often misshapen and uneven. The tag itself should be joined with the leather trim around the zipper. If the tag is detached, the bag is definitely fake.
Another good thing to look out for is the dustbag. The older Gucci dustbag is a dark brown colour and has a sort of satiny finish with the GG motif imprinted all over. The newer ones are a light gold brown colour with a gold coloured GUCCI font on the front.
Fake- Wrong Colour Fake
Fake-Look at the hanging tag Fake-Check out the white interior
Above are 2 fake dustbags that is very realistic to the original ones. If you look closely you'll see the bag in the first picture has Gucci writing on its front in an incorrect font, and comes with the fake controllato card attached to it.The dustbag in the second pic resembles very closely to the authentic one. But the interior is white when it should have been brown.
Real Gucci bags feature much nicer leather. Fake bags are usually made of cheaper leather, pleather or vinyl (though it's sometimes hard to tell the difference from photos). The fabric on real bag hangs smoother than fake ones. Fake fabric is often stiffer and holds a crease even after the bag has been unfolded for awhile.
And last but not least, feel the bag. Authentic Gucci handbags are made from high-quality, heavy-duty material. If you are hesitant about the material, it is very likely you have a knockoff. Try the bag on your shoulder or just hold it in your hand to experience the bag. If it doesn't feel right, always trust your instincts. An authentic bag will never feel fake to anyone.
That's all for now. Though these pointers might not be very detailed and thorough, we hope you have found this writeup useful. As the saying goes, there is no knowledge that is not power! Knowledge increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion-Daniel J Boorstin.
To end this guide, Below are some pictures of a very popular replice design. These are known as Goach bags. =) A cross pollination of Coach and Gucci! Have a great week ahead!
♥ You can be rest assured all items pre-ordered from are guaranteed authentic or your money back!