Balenciaga is a relatively new brand for us Malaysians. For one, they do not have a boutique here in KL yet. Heck, they don't even have a stand alone boutique in Singapore!
Balenciaga is famous for their motorcycle bags and are steadily garnering a loyal following worldwide. Every celebrity in tinseltown from Charlize Theron to Madonna owns one! Nicole Richie is rumoured to have one in EVERY colour. Balenciaga fans will know how extensive that collection is!
Below, I have gathered a few useful facts about Balenciagas. One of the reasons Bbags are so popular is because they are made from some of the softest, thinnest, and most lightweight leather available. Once you've touched a Bbag, you will be instantly hooked! The leather is very thin, but extremely durable. The type of leather used by Balenciaga is a very distressed looking type of leather. Every bag has a unique appearance. You'll find lines, wrinkles, folds and smooth spots all over the bag's body. No two Balenciaga bags look identical.
Most of the fake bags are made from a very inexpensive leather which has a shiny and stiff appearance to it. The leather on the fake bags looks more "cracked" than distressed. The tassels that are connected to all of the zippers should be just as soft as the bag's leather. They should hang loosely, and feel like velvet in your hands. The tassels on most fake bags are stiff and hard, and do not hang loosely. An authentic Balenciaga bag doesn't have this much shine to the bag. You'll also notice that the bag's material appears more "cracked" rather than distressed. Almost as if those lines were intentionally put there.

Bbags are made with Lampo zippers. The thing that most people don't know is that Lampo makes two different types of zippers. An authentic Balenciaga should have the type of Lampo zipper that is written in italics with a line underneath which extends from the bottom of the "L" and the TM symbol in the upper right corner. The other type of Lampo zipper, which is printed in uneven, capital letters is NOT the type of the zipper that should be found on an authentic Balenciaga bag. The word "Lampo" should be embossed on the zipper, whereas most of the fake bags have the word "Lampo" engraved into the zipper.

Below are more pictures of real vs fake Bbags.

Many fake bags have one set of numbers on the silver plate, with another bag’s model number on the backside of the leather tag. So make sure both numbers match!

Often the bales are one of the first ways to spot a fake. The bales should be thick and rounded not thin or square.
![]() ![]() ![]() AUTHENTIC FAKE Brand new Bbags NEVER come with plastic-wrapped handles, a fob-shaped leather sample, nor spare tassels rolled up into a circle.Generally replica Bbags are harder to tell compared to the other brands. Just keep in mind the above mentioned tips the next time you buy a Bbag! ♥ You can be rest assured that all pre-order items from are guaranteed authentic or your money back. |