You've recently purchased a fabulous new Chanel handbag or maybe you're thinking about buying one. The problem is, with so many replicas in the market now, how can you be sure? Well, unless you are buying it directly from the boutique itself. So, safe guard yourself by knowing some facts that could save you from
getting burned! Read on...
First of all, Chanel bags NEVER come with plastic wrapped handles, weird looking white disc shaped tags or any attached tags for the matter of fact. Chanel bag comes only with authenticity card (with matching hologram sticker), dustbag and box. And if you are buying it new, they should come wrapped with delicate white tissue paper that has the word “Chanel” and the logo all through it.
Chanel bags are of immaculate quality and superior workmanship.You really pay for what you get. So there will NEVER ever,ever be a stitch out of place.With fake bags, most of the time the lines of the bag is not clean, the shape is wrong and you can see that the overall quality is rubbish compared to the real one.

Here we can see that the fake Chanel has a really heavy quilting compared to the authentic one.
Another good hint to look out for, is the back pockets. They should be of the right size and the diamond quilt should ALWAYS be properly aligned.

Notice how the top edge of the authentic Chanel looks more like a soft wave while the fake one looks like a flat curve.
Next we shall take a look at the CC logo. They should be raised a little, not flat and not too 'fat' or 'skinny'. Sometimes it's hard to tell by just looking at it.

Too Skinny


Too Fat & Flat
Another point to take note of is the Lampo zipper. All Chanel bag comes with only Lampo zippers.

Nowadays, almost all Chanel replica comes with authenticity cards too. It is important to keep in mind that Chanel bags should come with a black plastic card with white text and a gold trim. The card will have the serial number on it, which will match the serial number on the hologram sticker.

Sample of authentic card
Steer clear of cards that are :
- Encased in plastic
- Has a rainbow hue on the gold trim
- Has a font that does not match the examples provided above

Rainbow Hue Font is a little too wide
Here are a few examples of the most recent hologram stickers. There has been a few variation to the stickers over the years, but I will only talk about the 6 series to the present 13 series. This is how it should look like:

6 series Hologram sticker
Don't worry if the hologram sticker from your bag doesn't look like this. As I mentioned, the stickers have been changed 4 times since the 1st series.
And last but not least, take a look at the dustbag. Over time, authentic Chanel bags have come with either white or black dust bag, with opposing white or black lettering. Bags from 3 Series to present will be black. Also take note of the lettering. They should not be too thick or too close together.

AUTHENTIC FAKE - Too fat and close
Well, those were some of the 'must know' pointers about Chanel bags. I hope you have found them to be useful. While these are only some simple tips, at least you have armed yourself with sufficient knowledge to steer clear of well made replicas. Happy shopping!